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Welcome to Our Savior Episcopal Church



Worship Schedule​​



8:30 am Rite II Holy Eucharist

(In-person only)


10:30 am Rite II Holy Eucharist

(In-person and online)




Sunday School for kindergarten up to 12th grade begins at 9:15 am (Harison Hall)

Nursery for young children is available during the 10:30 am service (Harison Hall)



11:00 am Rite II Holy Eucharist

(In-person only)


6:30 pm Rite I Evening Prayer

(In-person and online)



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Missed a Sunday sermon or lesson?

Our Savior Speaks podcast is a recording of sermons and lessons preached on Sundays

and special occasions.





Check out the first episode in our new program called Faith Enigmas with guest speaker

The Rt. Reverend Frank S. Logue

11th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia.

All are welcomed to join us in worship and experiencing God in a sanctuary of love and peace.

Our Savior Episcopal Church 

is a congregation of

The Episcopal Diocese of Georgia 








We understand and experience God as welcoming all people with unconditional love and warm hospitality.


God seeks to create a community that affirms and includes all. We endeavor to express that welcoming love in the hope that you will feel unconditionally received here, whatever your relational status (married, never married, divorced, widowed, partnered).


We hope you experience being received and welcomed whatever your age, race, ethnicity, culture, physical or mental ability, gender, sexual orientation, or economic status.

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